New York Early Learning Standards
This page details specifically how the Gee Whiz Education Learning Indicators align with the standards for early childhood education in the state of New York.

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Download State Standards.
Do you have trouble understanding complying with state standards?
We can help...
Gee Whiz is a comprehensive online curriculum that will:
Comply with State Standards
We work hard to make sure our curriculum is approved by and aligned with your state’s standards.
Address Mixed Age Groups
Our curriculum is built with mixed-age groups in mind. No more hunting for different activities for different children.
Save Money
Other curriculums cost hundreds of dollars per month and must be purchased for the number of children you have in your program. Cover all your children for one low monthly fee.
Solve Communication Problems
You’ll have the resources that are super easy to share with parents that keep them up to speed and give them a greater appreciation for what you’re teaching their children.
What Our Customers Are Saying:

When you subscribe to Gee Whiz, each month you will have access to:
- Two Teaching Guides - over 100 hands-on experiences
- Printable Story Props
- Printable Teaching Tool
- Printable Puppet Friend
- Monthly Materials List
- Digital Family Notes (4 per month, 2 per unit)
- Add & Enhance Charts
- Letters & Literacy activities for advanced children
- Family Letters (English & Spanish)
- All About My Week Reports (English & Spanish)
- Individualization Webs
- Make It! Sheets (4 per month, 2 per unit, printable)
BONUS: FREE webinar training each month on both the new curriculum units as well as topics related to early childhood education!
Get all this for just $18.95 per month. One low fee covers your entire group. That’s it!
Not Sure Yet? Try A Free 3 Day Sample!

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Compared To Our Competitiors:
For 6 Children
Gee Whiz Education:
- Monthly Cost: $18.95
- Shipping Time: 0 days
- Addresses Mixed Ages
- Digital Components
- Environmentally Friendly
Prepackaged Curricula:
- Monthly Cost: up to $120
- Shipping Time: 5-7 days
- Addresses Mixed Ages
- Digital Components
- Environmentally Friendly

Still skeptical?
Try Gee Whiz risk free for 30 days. If you’re unsatisfied, you can cancel your subscription and request a full refund.
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee
P.S. Gee Whiz Education’s digital curriculum, developed over 35 years by the professionals behind HighReach Learning, is a proven, cost effective, state approved method to educate children. Don’t delay, the price will increase soon!
Frequently Asked Questions:
There are very few pieces that need to be printed (e.g., Story Props, Teaching Tool, Puppet, etc.)! Most components can simply be viewed on the computer or tablet and family components can be emailed or texted!
Print only what you need! Unlike other curriculums that send you materials you may never use, GeeWhiz is environmentally friendly and saves ink and paper!
We try to use things most childcare providers have on hand and do not require purchasing. For instance, wooden spoons, plastic bowls, paper plates, cardboard boxes, blankets, etc.
Most lessons and activities have very little prep and if there is prep, we note that in red in the Teaching Guide.
We’ve got you covered with monthly training webinars and videos as well as a complete step-by-step guide to get you started!