
Do you know about CDC’s Act Early Program?

Toddler Playing With Chair


What characteristic behaviors should a child present at a given chronological age? Doesn’t that depend on the child, because each child is unique? Trying to determine whether a child is developing (socially/ emotionally, language/communications, cognitively and physically) in accordance with what should be generally expected can be challenging. Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created the Act Early program. The goal is to recognize any developmental delays early in a child’s life, and to seek diagnostic and treatment strategies from the appropriate professional(s). Take a moment to follow the link and become acquainted with some of the CDC developmental milestones. We have posted some of the information on the Gee Whiz Education site, so click hear to learn more: https://geewhizeducation.com/fcc-tools/developmental-checklists-birth-four/



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